Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hi! So, I was just reading my last post and I realized I didn't mention Nico's appearance! Well, because in the books it just says he has dark hair and dark could be like dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. But, I would much rather him have black hair (I have a black hair fetish. Sue me) and dark blue-black eyes (Soooo smexy!) So yeah...that's that. Oh! Yeah, ok, so, guess what I get to do for history homework? Well, write a paper...But guess what I get to do to study for it! Watch Hercules! Yeah! It's amazing. I'm watching it right now, for like the third time tonight. It's awesome. I think I can sing along to all the songs now...oh well! OMG! So, I spent the night at Collette's last night (Of course, I'm over there like every weekend) and we watched this one wickedly awesome new anime called Gunslinger Girl! It is so cool! It's like about psyborgs (did I spell that right? Probably not) who are assassins...but they're little girls! It's freaking amazing! Go check it out! Oh, and guess what I finally watched!! Ouran High School Host Club!! OMG it's like the best anime evar!! And I only watched one episode! AHH I just love it! I think I'm in love with the Hitachiin twins!! Ok, not really, but they're easily my favorites. Oh, wait, but I love Hunny too! He reminds me soooo much of Momiji from Fruits Basket!!! It's just sooooo awesome!!!!

OH! Right! I should probably tell you about another one of my OCs, huh? Oh, well, so, I guess I'll tell you about Anastasia! Ok, so, Anastasia was born on August 13th...she's Alice's little sister, by the way. It differs how much younger on the story I've written, because I write many stories with the same OCs. So in my Harry Potter fanfic, she's two years younger than Alice, but in my original story, she's six years younger, so yeah...but I like just started only getting ideas for my original story today, so I'm going to leave that alone for right about my fanfic! Ok, so...well, in my fanfic, Anastasia got sorted into Slytherin, but she was sooooo close to being sorted in Ravenclaw. So yeah, she's not really Slytherin type, but she is. Well, she was like begging the sorting hat to place her in Slytherin, and she does have Slytherin qualities, so think that's it...Oh! No! Ok, so Anastasia, well her sister calls her Ash...yeah...she's weird...but anyway...Anastasia has long, really messy, wavy brown hair. I mean, she like never brushes it, even though she does like five times a day. She has green eyes that is also sometimes blue, and sometimes even silverish gray. So yeah....I think that's it....ok, so I'll get out of your hair now...dang it! I missed 11:11! Oh, well, there's 12:34! Ok, so I'm gonna go now...bye...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey guys, sorry I haven't written in like three days, but I kept forgetting! I mean, I was like, Ok, you need to blog today, and then I forgot! Ugh! Well, here I am now!!! Ok, so I'll resume about my OCs, even though nobody really cares...Oh well! Well, if you have read the Percy Jackson series, you probably already know about Nico di Angelo, right? Yeah, that's him. OMG it's so cool I put him in Ravenclaw in my fanfiction! Yeah, sorry...Oh! My knowledge of PJatO actually helped me in real life today! My history teacher was asking us questions, and he was all like, "What was the title of Machiavelli's book, and what country was he from?" So I thought, I was like, so, his book was The Prince, that's easy. What country was he from? Well, his first name is Nicolo...Nico...Nico di Angelo...that's Italian....Italy! He's from Italy! And I got it right! I was so proud of myself! So yeah...Oh! Did I tell you how old these people are? Well, in this fanfiction, Travis is born on October 7th, 1979...Alice is born on June 25, 1980....And Nico is born on May 5th, 1982. So'm finding it very hard to concentrate right now, because Ben is playing Black Ops on my Xbox and he keeps talking...It's really funny, though, he keeps getting killed...anyway...well, I guess I'll go...I'll try and remember to post tomorrow...I don't know if I'll go to school tomorrow...I really don't feel good...OMG, this really creepy guy keeps stalking me and he asked me if I wanted to go out with him! So, I'm kind of avoiding him, too...ugh, I'm really creeped out, but I don't want to be rude to him! I'm confused...Oh! Right! I was just leaving...Ok then...bye...

Monday, January 17, 2011


Hi there! You know what today is, right? You don't? Oh, well then I'll tell you. Today I'm gonna tell you about my second OC, Alice Webber! Collette thought of the name. Both first and last are from Twilight, and even though I hate Twilight, I love those names! So I just decided to use them. So anyway, Alice is, well, you know Clarrise from the Percy Jackson series? Yeah, she's kind of like her. Personality-wise. She looks different, though. She has short really, really light brown hair. It's more like a dirty blond. And she has blue eyes. Ok, so there's a lot of my OCs with blue eyes, so I'll be more specific. Go on google images and look for a picture of Buzz Lightyear. Now look at his eyes. That's what hers look like. Only they're not animated. And they're not on a space ranger. Oh, you know what I mean! So anyway, oh! This is kind of important. She's really tall. She's like, 5'8" by the time she's 13. But her growth slows way down by then, and when she stops growing she's only 5'10". That's still tall, though. Well, compared to her sister, who's only around 5'4" when she stops growing. But I'll tell you more about her sister later. Ok, so, Alice went to Hogwarts, of course, and she met Draco, because Draco is awesome (and Collette would kill me if I didn't put Draco in this fanfiction). So, of course, she was sorted into Slytherin, and I missing anything? I don't think so...well, I'll figure it out. But right now, I gotta go to bed. Night!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hi! Ok, so here I am, as promised, telling you about my OCs! The first one is Travis Stoll! Yes, I did take the name from Rick Riordan, so copyright to him, and I kind of kept his personality the same, so yeah...But I did change his appearance a little bit! Did you know he was originally suppose to have brown hair and blue eyes? Well, I didn't know that at the time I thought about this, so I made him have coppery brown hair and brown eyes. Yes, coppery brown. What? I wanted a ginger! Don't judge! I mean, you can definately see the red in his hair, but it is pretty brown, too. So yeah, that's him. Well, it is a Harry Potter fanfiction, so I might as well tell you about his life at Hogwarts! So, in his first year, he met Fred and George on the train (of course I had to bring Fred and George in! They will be brought back in later, too) so yeah. He was sorted into Gryffindor. Um, I think that's it...Oh! In his second year he became a chaser on the quidditch team. Uh, I think that's it. Wow, that's about it. Oh, I needed to ask you something! So, what do you think happens to the professors' at Hogwarts families? Like, do they come with them? Or stay at home? And if they do stay home, do the professors get permission to go home during the holidays? I'm gonna have to think about, anyway, I think that's it! So, I'll post tomorrow, too! Bye!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh, hey...

Hey, again! Ok, sorry for the triple posts today, but I just remembered something I wanna tell you! Ok, so last night I went over to my best friend's house (Ugh! I'm getting tired of saying best friend all the time. She will be in almost every one of my posts. And, she's more like a sister. Her name is Collette, by the way. Oh, and another person who will probably show up a lot is my other best friend, Ben. Just to make that clear.), and we stayed up until like 5:30 watching scary movies. Ok, well, I crashed at around 5:30 when she stayed up all night. But in my defense, I only got like 3 hours of sleep the night before! I stayed up until around 2:30 or 3:00 watching A Very Potter Sequel when I had to wake up at 6:30, so yeah...Anyway, we watched The Village first. Have you seen that movie? It was the first time I saw that movie, and I really liked it! Usually I'm a big wimp when it comes to scary movies, but it wasn't actually that scary! But my favorite character died...they always do! It's like a curse!
So then we watched The Sixth Sense. You know, that was my first time watching that movie, too! I have been wanting to for a long time, but I never did until then. It was an epic movie. It is now my favorite. So anyway, OMG while I was watching that I was like, "OMG that little boy is so cute!" thus, yet another OC is born. He will be a while, though, because I have a lot. Ok, only like 9, but still, I think that's a lot. Anyway, back to the movie. Yeah, it was easily one of the best five movies I've seen in my life. I won't give any spoilers, but at the end Collette was crying cuz it was sad. I have to admit, it was sad, but I'm not one to cry at movies. Did you know I laughed at the end of The Notebook? I was all, "haha, sucks for you!" yeah, I'm a cruel person. Oh, well. Oh, anyway, after that, we were going to watch Signs, but then decided on Shaun of the Dead. But then, we didn't watch that, because we wanted to watch Repo! The Genetic Opera. That is also one of the best movies ever! It's really funny, you should watch it! Oh, but I warn you, it's really gorey, uses language and there's some sexual and drug references, too. It's rated R. Yeah, so then after that...we started to watch Knowing, but I crashed like 15 minutes in. When I woke up, they were watching Flightplan. So, yeah, it was a good night. Oh, and we colored in Hello Kitty and Harry Potter coloring books. It was epic. So, that's what I wanted to share...oh! And another movie I really really want to see is The Shining! I've never seen it! I really really want to!!! Ok, now, just saying...Bye!!

Me again!

I just thought of this, but some of you might be asking, why are you telling us about your OCs?
I bet none of you are really interested, but I really need to tell someone for three reasons:
1. Because I talk about them too much around my friends and they get really annoyed with me
2. Because I'm one of those kinds of people that have to repeat stuff over and over
3. Because I'm really proud of myself because I thought of (most) of these all by myself! Ok, I had a little help from my friend, but all he did was listen to me rant about them and give his opinion every once in a while. And, one of them is modeled after my best friend, but I changed her a lot, too. Oh, and on another one, I was talking with my best friend about it and she suggested I should make one modeled after me! Thus, Anastasia was born! Well, my name's not Anastasia, and Anastasia is, like, way cooler than me, but what I meant is more in terms of looks and stuff. Sort of. I guess, Anastasia is the kind of girl I want to be. Yeah, that sounds better. Ok, so anyway, I'll post later, this time really starting on my OCs! Bye!


Hey! I just realized I haven't been on here in like....forever....for a while there I actually forgot the URL...but then I just guessed and was all like, "Whoa! It worked!" dude, I'm like really weird right now...well, I'm always weird, but you know what I mean. Ugh! I'm watching Family Guy right now...I mean, I love the show and everything, but you know those scenes where Peter fights with that chicken dude? Yeah, am I the only one who finds those boring? And why won't that freaking chicken die already?! I mean, he's done pretty much everything short of putting an actual gun up to his head and pull the trigger! Well, anyway...Oh! I came on here for a reason today! So, I've been thinking about some new ideas for fanfictions and thought of one that is like the best I've ever thought of! Ok, so, what do you think of a Harry Potter and PJatO crossover? Well, I guess, it wouldn't be that much of a crossover, becuase I don't really think I'll put a whole bunch of stuff about the gods and stuff like that, but the only reason I call it a crossover is because I'm using two characters from the Percy Jackson series. Nico and Travis. Yes, Travis Stoll. Is it weird that I like Travis more than I like Connor, even though they're like the same person? Whatever, and, I didn't want two sets of identical twins who like wreaking havoc all the time. Although, that would be pretty funny... Anyway, I mean, I've changed them somewhat, too, so now pretty much only the names are the same! I mean, I guess I could use different names, but I can't think of any! I mean, I had enough trouble thinking of the names of all my other OCs! I still can't think of middle names for three of them, though. Yes, I think of middle names, too. I'm OCD like that, and plus, when somebody gets mad at that character, they can use their full name! Yeah, I'm weird...anyway...I'll probably wrap this up right about now...Oh! Since your the only person who will listen (yes, I'm talking to my computer right now), I will post some more entries all about my OCs! I'm going to do only one per post, so it looks like I post a lot! Even if it's like really short...oh well! So I'm going to do them in order of age, oldest to youngest, so next time, you can look forward to reading about Travis! I know, if you've read the Percy Jackson series, you already know about him, but I've changed him a, I want to tell you about his life at Hogwarts I've made for him! Ok...I should stop talking now...bye! See you tomorrow! Well, I guess, not really see you....oh, you know what I mean! Just, bye!